House for rent near Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Bangkok

3 Result(s)
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Monthly rental room
2.1 km away from Monthly rental room
soi Sukhantharam11, Sukhantharam rd. Suan Chit Lada, Dusit, Bangkok
1,500 THB/month
House for rent3 Flr1 Bed2 Bath
Monthly rooms with economical prices in the heart of Bangkok, convenient travel, easy to find food, quiet, private. Y...
Allow pet
To let a house of 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms at Soi Areesampan 2 Praholyothin Road
1.2 km away from To let a house of 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms at Soi Areesampan 2 Praholyothin Road
soi Areesampan 2, Praholyothin rd. Samsen Nai, Phaya Thai, Bangkok
60,000 THB/month
House for rent2 Flr3 Bed3 Bath250 Sqm.
A 2-storey house of about 140 square wahs located at 108 Soi Areesampan 2, Phraholyothin Road, Samsennai, Phrayathai,...
Car parking
Building for rent
2.3 km away from Building for rent
soi Chumchoen, Asok Dingdang rd. Din Daeng, Din Daeng, Bangkok
17,000 THB/month
House for rent4 Flr3 Bed2 Bath200 Sqm.
For small /branch office such as programmer that require not a crowded area without noisy. Very near main road 10 min...

Neighborhood nearBoromarajonani College of Nursing, Bangkok
