Monthly rentals near Soi Sukhumvit 11 1,500 - 3,000 THB/Month
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2,900 - 4,300 THB/month
1.0 km away from Chum Choen Room for rentApartment•4 Flr•17 Rooms
soi chumchoen, Asok Dingdang rd. Din Daeng, Din Daeng, Bangkok
Internet Wifi Security camera Near MRT nder ground train. Asok-Dingdaeng, Central mall 9, Fortune Tower, G Land Building. Bus stop number 168/551/...

2,900 - 4,200 THB/month
0.9 km away from Chum Choen Room for rentApartment•4 Flr•17 Rooms
soi Asok-Dingdang, Asok-Dingdang rd. Din Daeng, Din Daeng, Bangkok
Internet Wifi Security camera Near Cental Mall, IT Mall, Vitory Monument, Church, Close to bus stop and main road. For more info, please chat at /T...

2,900 - 4,200 THB/month
1.0 km away from Chumchoen Room for RentApartment•4 Flr•17 Rooms
soi Choumchoen, Ashok Dingdang rd. Din Daeng, Din Daeng, Bangkok
Rooms for rent, ready to move in. Near IT mall, Central Mall 9 and victory monument. More info, add I D Contract at l...