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last update: Mar 1, 2025, ... Views:
Riposo mansion (apartment for rent)
559 M.13 soi Chayangkul 42, Chayangkul Rd. rd. Kham Yai, Mueang Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon Ratchathani
Apartment•3 Flr•24 Rooms
Apartment•3 Flr•24 Rooms
4,400 - 4,600 THB/Month
540 - 600 THB/Day
Utility Costs
Electricity 8฿per unit.
22 THB / Unit (min. 200 Bath)
Min. contract
Minimum 3 months
ผ่าน 7-Eleven, True Wallet, mPay หรือ บัตรเติมเงิน หรือช่องทางที่ไม่สามารถทราบชื่อผู้รับ Hongpak.in.th เป็นเพียงพื้นที่ฝากประกาศ ขอสงวนสิทธิ์ที่จะไม่รับผิดชอบต่อเสียหายใดๆที่เกิดขึ้น อ่านต่อ..
กรุณาแจ้งว่าดูจากเว็บไซต์ Hongpak.in.th ขอบคุณค่ะ
- Car parking
- Security camera
- Internet
- Keyed card
- Washing machine
Details Riposo mansion (apartment for rent)
(LINE Id) Finn07
*** Mansion at Ubon ***
Riposo mansion Daily & monthly rent
Soi. Chayangkul 42,ubon ratchathani Ubon Apartment Room, Full furniture, Free wifi
Monthly 4,400 and 4,600฿
Daily 540 and 600฿
For English call +66802377238
(room size)
4.2x7.5 = 4,400฿
4.2x9 = 4,600฿
Call 080-237-7238
Service cleaning in the room,bathroom and balcony very cheap price only 150฿.
Electricity 8฿per unit.
**Renthup link http://goo.gl/Ngf18L
*** Mansion at Ubon ***
Riposo mansion Daily & monthly rent
Soi. Chayangkul 42,ubon ratchathani Ubon Apartment Room, Full furniture, Free wifi
Monthly 4,400 and 4,600฿
Daily 540 and 600฿
For English call +66802377238
(room size)
4.2x7.5 = 4,400฿
4.2x9 = 4,600฿
Call 080-237-7238
Service cleaning in the room,bathroom and balcony very cheap price only 150฿.
Electricity 8฿per unit.
**Renthup link http://goo.gl/Ngf18L
How to get to us :For English Please call this number, for we can tell you the way. 0802377238
Nearby Academy
- The Eastern University of Management and Technology 1.5 km
- Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University 3.0 km
- Narinukun School 3.7 km
- Benchama Maharat School 4.3 km
- Sappasitthiprasong Hospital Medical Education Center 4.3 km
- Big C Supercenter Ubon Ratchathani 1.7 km
- Lotus's Ubonratchathani 2.3 km
- Makro Ubon Ratchathani 2.3 km
- Ratchavej Ubon Ratchathani Hospital 1.4 km
- Sappasitthiprasong Hospital 4.3 km
- Ubonrak-Thonburi Hospital 5.0 km
- Ubon Wanarom Aboretum 0.7 km
Room Type

THB / Month
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