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Starlight Hotel
249/1 Adulyadej Road rd. Mak Khaeng, Mueang Udon Thani, Udon Thani
Apartment•4 Flr•50 Rooms
Apartment•4 Flr•50 Rooms
3,500 - 4,500 THB/Month
450 - 490 THB/Day
Utility Costs
10 baht/unit
Flat rate of 200 baht per person
Common area fee
Min. contract
Minimum 3 months
1 month advance deposit
ผ่าน 7-Eleven, True Wallet, mPay หรือ บัตรเติมเงิน หรือช่องทางที่ไม่สามารถทราบชื่อผู้รับ Hongpak.in.th เป็นเพียงพื้นที่ฝากประกาศ ขอสงวนสิทธิ์ที่จะไม่รับผิดชอบต่อเสียหายใดๆที่เกิดขึ้น อ่านต่อ..
กรุณาแจ้งว่าดูจากเว็บไซต์ Hongpak.in.th ขอบคุณค่ะ
- Car parking
- Security system
- Security camera
- Internet
- Keyed card
- Washing machine
Details Starlight Hotel
Starlight Hotel Udon Thani
Room service available Daily/Monthly!
Perfect for customers who are interested in fine quality rooms and convenient parking
Price are just in the hundreds. Hotel located in the heart of Udonthani city.
- Convenient travel
- Near convenience store 7-11
- Near Central Udon
- Near Nong Sim Public Park
- Surrounded by many restaurants
The important thing is that we have complete furniture ready to move in!
- Bed
- TV
- Dressing table
- Refrigerator
- Closet
- Air conditioner
- Water heater
- Free Wi-Fi
- Security camera
- Key card entry-exit
- Indoor parking
- Safe
- Save electricity
Daily room starting at 450.-
Monthly room starting at 3,500.-
Reserve your room today!
LINE: starlightudon
Call 042-111237 , 085-8481894
Room service available Daily/Monthly!
Perfect for customers who are interested in fine quality rooms and convenient parking
Price are just in the hundreds. Hotel located in the heart of Udonthani city.
- Convenient travel
- Near convenience store 7-11
- Near Central Udon
- Near Nong Sim Public Park
- Surrounded by many restaurants
The important thing is that we have complete furniture ready to move in!
- Bed
- TV
- Dressing table
- Refrigerator
- Closet
- Air conditioner
- Water heater
- Free Wi-Fi
- Security camera
- Key card entry-exit
- Indoor parking
- Safe
- Save electricity
Daily room starting at 450.-
Monthly room starting at 3,500.-
Reserve your room today!
LINE: starlightudon
Call 042-111237 , 085-8481894
Neighbourhood :- Convenient travel
- Near convenience store 7-11
- Near Central Udon
- Near Nong Sim Public Park
- Surrounded by many restaurants
- Udon Thani International Airport 4.0 km
Nearby Roads
- Pracha Santi Road 2.3 km
Nearby Academy
- Udon Thani Rajabhat University (UDRU ) 2.0 km
- Udonpittayanukoon School 2.2 km
- Satri Rachinuthit School 2.5 km
- Thailand National Sports University Udon Thani Campus. 3.7 km
- Santapol Technological College 4.2 km
- Udonpichairakpitaya School 4.3 km
- Central Udon 1.0 km
- Lotus's UD Town 1.6 km
- Bangkok Hospital Udon 1.1 km
- Udonthani Hospital 2.1 km
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